
I Really Better Get That Will Done!

By September 7, 2017 No Comments

This is something that we hear all the time.  We are referring to a Last Will and Testament under which you direct how your Estate is to be distributed after your death and, importantly, what is to happen to your children, your belongings, your business, even your pets can get a mention!

If you don’t manage your own affairs the Law will step in. 

Various pieces of legislation will dictate what will happen and it may not be what you would have wanted.

We cannot stress how important it is to get in touch with us and get it done. 

These are just some examples of the things that you should think about and

you will be left saying I really better get that Will done”

For parents of young children it is particularly important.  You should ask yourselves now:-

          Who do I want to be guardian of my children?

          Where do I want them to live?

          Will they go to College and what financial arrangements do I need to put in  place for that?

If you have a business you should ask yourself:-

         What will happen to my share in the company?  Does it go to my family or my business partners?

          Can the business survive without me?

          What will happen to my clients?

If, like me, the welfare of your furry friend is of utmost importance decide now who will give the dog the cuddles and walks that you do – do not leave that to fate!  I know who’ll be walking Lucy when I go.

There are many questions to ask and we have a helpful questionnaire to fill out to prompt you so that your instructions are thorough and your Will accurately reflects your wishes.

HMHughes Murphy Solicitors can assist you with all your queries

in relation to your Last Will and Testament.  Please call us on

1800 910 912 or submit our Contact Form to receive a call-back

for more information.