
Family Law Divorce in Ireland

By May 22, 2014 No Comments

THE High Court has granted a woman a divorce and orders requiring her estranged husband pay her some €400 weekly maintenance plus €23,000 maintenance arrears.

She had claimed maintenance of some €900 weekly.

The man and woman, who have a number of adult children, judicially separated in the 1980s after being married for more than 20 years.  The maintenance is to be paid until the man reaches 65 next year, the court heard.

She initiated divorce proceedings in 2008 but they were delayed for various reasons until they were ultimately heard in January and March this year with judgment reserved.

In his judgment published this week, Mr Justice Michael White noted the woman was a homemaker during the marriage while the man held regular employment and was successful in his chosen career.

Difficulties emerged mainly due to the man’s infidelity and the couple separated in the 1980s, the judge said.

A separation agreement was concluded under which the man was to pay the woman IR£400 maintenance weekly net of tax, to be increased annually in line with the Comsumer Price Index (CPI).

He was also to pay her half of royalty payments linked to his career and to transfer the mortgage-free family home to her without consideration. He held onto certain agricultural lands.

The man complied with his obligations under that agreement, the judge said.

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